How to deal with Injuries

When you’re serious about achieving any type of fitness goal, a huge fear can be around getting injured. We have the most highly qualified coaches here at Peak Fitness & Rehab to prevent that or to even rehab an injury, but sometimes things happen outside of the gym that land you in pain. There are […]

[IMPORTANT READ] A 4 step process for REAL change!!

Having worked in the fitness industry for over 20 years, we have met a lot of people who say they want to change. They’re unhappy with their bodies, their performance, their feelings of being out of control, or maybe they’re even in physical pain. But as you might guess, change is HARD. Without getting too […]

The Fear PR

When you face powerful emotions like fear and failure, do they stop you in your tracks or propel you into forward action? Today we want to challenge you to set a “Fear PR” (PR=Personal Record). Identify the thing in life that scares you most right now. The thing that keeps you from taking decisive action […]

Set Your Goals!

What is a goal? Well, let’s actually start with what is NOT a goal… “I want to lose weight.” “I want to feel better.” “I want to tone up.” What’s wrong with these, you ask? They’re not specific to start with. They’re just kind of idea. If you want to set goals that you can […]

Why You’re Stuck

Are you stuck, and if so, why? What’s the thing in life that propels us forward to achieve new goals, whether they are in weight loss, athletic pursuits, career, or relationship-related? It’s our belief that accomplishing these things is possible, and that comes down to confidence. Confidence propels us forward, while lack of confidence holds […]

Bat Wings & Muffin Tops

Yeah…We recognize that was not the most appealing subject line ever, but those are topics that come up A LOT for the women we work with here at Peak Fitness & Rehab. For men, it’s more often the beer gut. And the question surrounding those trouble spots is “how do I get rid of them?” […]

The Silliest Logic

We can’t tell you how many times we’ve heard something to this degree: “Once I get in better shape, then I can come workout at Peak Fitness & Rehab.” It’s faulty logic, but we want to address it just in case you or someone you know is thinking in a similar fashion. You see, we […]

Why Does The Scale Suck So Much?

We see it here at Peak Fitness & Rehab all the time. Someone has just joined us or is coming in for a reassessment and there’s the dreaded look when we ask them to step on the scale. For so many people, that number has determined their mood, happiness levels, and even their personal value […]

Trade Your Expectations For Appreciation

The subject line of this email is one of our favorite Tony Robbins quotes. When we look at our lives, there’s often an expectation of how things should go. We want to be in shape, and we have expectations around that process. We want financial abundance, and we have expectations around how it should happen […]

Smarter not Harder

No doubt you’ve heard this phrase before because it’s relevant and powerful in every area of life: “Work Smarter not Harder.” You wouldn’t work more hours for the same amount of money, so why would you workout longer in a way that produces a lesser result? As a fitness professional for the past 20 plus […]