How to deal with Injuries

When you’re serious about achieving any type of fitness goal, a huge fear can be around getting injured. We have the most highly qualified coaches here at Peak Fitness & Rehab to prevent that or to even rehab an injury, but sometimes things happen outside of the gym that land you in pain.

There are certain cases of injury so significant that movement is inadvisable, so you should always consult a doctor. But if it’s a particular body part that is injured, we would like to inspire you to look at the injury as an opportunity.

Let us give you an example…

A couple of years ago we went on a family outing to a trampoline park.  We were having a lot of fun and goofing off like little kids.  They had some Ninja Warrior obstacles there and of course we had to try them out.  Well on the third or fourth time running up the warped wall I felt a pop in my right calf, it felt like someone had punched me there really hard.  I was able to move my ankle but it was hard putting pressure on it to walk.  I went to the Doctors a couple of days later and was told nothing was majorly damaged but to lay off of it for a couple of weeks.

That meant no leg exercises for awhile but it did not mean that I could not focus on my core and upper body.  So that is what I did and when my calf was able to endure lower body exercises I felt stronger due to the continuation of working on my core and upper body.

If you have a knee injury, what can you do with your upper body? If you have a shoulder issue, how can you train your heart or lower body?

In most cases, there’s something that can be done, so please, please don’t give up entirely!

We can help you if you’re in pain…

Being in pain can be a life-altering experience, and we want you to know that no matter where you are, we can help you through it.

Is this something you can relate to? If not, do you have a friend who might need some hope and guidance to get through an injury?

We would love for you to reply and let us know, or forward this email to someone who it could help.

We want everyone living their best, fittest, and happiest life

Are you currently suffering from an injury? If so give us a call at 386-445-2348 so we can discuss ways to  help you feel better and recover quicker.

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