Why We Have Negative Emotions

No one likes the experience of feeling negative emotions. Whether it’s stress, uneasiness, unhappiness, or disappointment – it just feels bad. And it’s supposed to. You see, negative emotions serve a purpose in our lives. They are a CALL TO ACTION. When you feel those negative emotions coming up, carefully evaluate what they are occurring […]

10 Minutes That Could Change Your Life

In today’s world, humans are busier than ever with family and jobs and all the demands we put on ourselves. Not only that, but we often perceive ourselves to be the center of the universe and expect that everyone else should be sensitive to us and our needs, thoughts, and feelings. One of the best […]

6 Strategies For Healthy, Quick, & Convenient Dinners-RECIPE INCLUDED

The biggest obstacle we hear from the people we coach is that they “just don’t have time.”  People are SO busy today with work, families, managing a house, and the million other things that come up. So it’s too often that they find themselves grabbing food for convenience – food that not only doesn’t serve their bodies […]

It’s Who You Know

It’s been said that you are the average of the top 5 people you spend the most time with. When people first read that, they’re typically either invigorated or concerned. You may have noticed that families who have positive habits and mindsets seem healthier, happier, and like they just have it together. Conversely, families who […]

6 Steps To Achieving An Extraordinary Life

One of the things we are most passionate about is helping people achieve things they thought were previously impossible. The amazing thing about working with people in fitness is that once they start to achieve those “impossible” feats, it trickles over into other areas of life. Someone who loses 50 pounds or conquers new feats […]

Are You Doing Our 5 Favorite Exercises For The Body You Want

Here at Peak Fitness & Rehab, we know everyone not only wants to function and perform their best, but most people are seeking to lose some body fat, gain strength, and live in a lean body they are proud of. That’s why today we are sharing our 5 favorite exercises to achieve just that! If […]

Carb Control

What’s the Big Deal about Carbs? Starchy carbs get so much attention when it comes to nutrition conversations because they are the biggest double-edged sword our bodies have to deal with. On one hand, all of our energy in the body comes from glucose molecules (carbs in their basic sugar form) but on the other, […]

Why Muscle Is Awesome (Things You May Not Know!)

There was a time when cardio was all the rage. It was the center of the fitness industry for decades, but oh how times have changed! Today, muscle is coveted. And fairly recently, for the first time, women strive for the athletic, muscular look of an athlete over being thin. And you know what? We […]

The Maker Of Dreams

We hope you saw our message from the other day on “The Killer of Dreams.” If you missed it, be sure to click here to read this powerful post That piece was really about owning and acknowledging the excuses we make for ourselves. Too often we buy into and believe the stories we tell ourselves […]

The Killer Of Dreams

Have you ever used the phrase “When ________, then _________…”? Let us give you an example: WHEN things in my life calm down and I can focus, THEN I’ll lose the weight and get in shape. Or… WHEN I have a little more money, THEN I’ll invest in myself. This phrase is the dream killer and can be applied around any area of […]