The Fear PR

When you face powerful emotions like fear and failure, do they stop you in your tracks or propel you into forward action?

Today we want to challenge you to set a “Fear PR” (PR=Personal Record).

Identify the thing in life that scares you most right now. The thing that keeps you from taking decisive action and moving forward. Ask yourself a few questions:

1. What EXACTLY am I afraid of?
2. What is the absolute worst-case scenario around this fear?
3. Is what’s holding me back in reality or just in my head?

Often diving into what it is you’re actually afraid of will show you that the fear comes from the stories you’re telling yourself in your own head rather than reality.

My personal Fear PR was when I was becoming a Golf Club Pro and needed to pass what was called the PAT, Players Ability Test.  This was a requirement to become a Club Pro and you needed to play two 18 hole rounds in one day making it a 16 hour day.  The physical part was not really the issue it was more the mental aspect.  Knowing that you needed to shoot a certain number or below for the two rounds would play mind tricks with you during the rounds.  I did not pass the PAT until my third try but I did not let my first two fails ruin my goals.  I learned from the experiences during those other 2 days and used it in my favor to not let my Fear PR  achieve my goal of passing that requirement.

Now go set your Fear PR! Tackle that fear head on. Tell yourself that this is just a stepping stone to your success. And if you “fail,” you get to have an incredible learning experience, since failure is just a slight derailment on your path meant to correct your actions to lead you to where you are supposed to be.

What’s the thing you can set a Fear PR on?

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