Bat Wings & Muffin Tops

Yeah…We recognize that was not the most appealing subject line ever, but those are topics that come up A LOT for the women we work with here at Peak Fitness & Rehab. For men, it’s more often the beer gut.

And the question surrounding those trouble spots is “how do I get rid of them?”

We are bringing you the honest answer, which may be counterintuitive to what you have been taught or believe…

You CANNOT spot reduce body fat.

Crunches alone won’t reduce belly fat. Tricep extensions alone won’t reduce fat on the back of your arms. Leg lifts alone won’t make the fat on your outer thighs vanish.

It’s never the answer people want to hear, but it’s the truth.

So, what to do?

The only answer is to reduce overall body fat through a combination of proper nutrition, full body strength training, cardio, stress management, hydration, and good sleep.

Here at Peak Fitness & Rehab, we provide clients with all the fitness and nutrition resources they need to get the results they want, whether it’s reducing belly fat, arm fat, or leg fat, and more! And the best part is that because we’re focused on reducing overall body fat, your entire body will become more lean and defined.

We think that’s a win! ☺

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