It’s OK To Be A Little Bit Hungry

Food is all around us. It’s available everywhere.

Whatever you want you can have at any time. But because of our over-abundance of food, we’ve forgotten what hunger actually feels like. We are completely out of touch with what our body truly needs.

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to eat every two hours to lose weight. In fact, it takes your body closer to 3 hours to metabolize your last meal! If we never allow ourselves to actually get truly hungry, the fat is going to pile on for the majority of people.

We all know this scenario – you are about to cook dinner, but you’re “starving.” You grab some crackers or chips and think “I’ll just have a few to take off the edge.” Before you know it, half the bag is gone AND you eat dinner.


We are writing this so that you can take time to learn about your own hunger…sounds odd, we know.

The next time you go to eat, we would like you to rate your hunger level on a scale from 1-10, 1 being not hungry at all, 10 being absolutely have to eat or I will pass out (you won’t unless you have medical issues, we promise!).

Try to eat when you are about an 8 on the scale and stop before you’re stuffed. By practicing using the hunger scale, you will learn from your body exactly what it needs, when to eat, and you will learn that being a little bit hungry is ok and even a good thing.

Let us know how you do with this and that you are giving this a go!!  Here is to your success!!


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