One Percent Change

Whole Body Health, Wellness & Fitness Assessment:

Peak Fitness & Rehab offers the world leading Health, Wellness & Fitness assessment, One Percent Change® to all clients.

Why is One Percent Change® so important?

The One Percent Change assessment used by Peak Fitness & Rehab ensures that we know exactly what YOUR goals are, what YOUR strengths are & what YOUR weaknesses are.

Using advanced equipment we are able to specifically determine your precise muscle strength, muscle imbalances & joint range of motion. Balance, core and shoulder stability are also assessed.

Any current or underlying injuries are also identified.


How does this help me?

By undergoing a Whole Body Assessment using One Percent Change , we know exactly what is needed when designing YOUR health, wellness & fitness plan. Why waste time & money exercising areas of the body that don’t need to be improved. Elite athletes use the same principles as One Percent Change to achieve quicker, easier and more successful results – now you can to!

Who can benefit from a Whole Body Health, Wellness & Fitness Assessment?

Click on the sentence below that is of most interest to find out how One Percent Change can benefit YOU!  I want to be better at my sport I want to look and feel in the PRIME of my life I want to get rid of pain & feel better I want to prevent problems before they impact my lifestyle.

I want to be better at my sport
I want to look and feel in the PRIME of my life
I want to get rid of pain & feel better
I want to prevent problems before they impact my lifestyle